glaxium | | Space-ship OpenGL shoot them up |
glickomania | | Clear a board by removing groups of identical, adjacent tiles |
gltron | | 3D lightcycle game inspired by the movie Tron |
gnome-games | | GNOME2 games collection |
gnome-games-extra-data | | GNOME2 games collection - extra data files |
gnome-mastermind | | Mastermind (the game) |
gnuchess | | GNU chess engine |
gnuchess-book | | Chess opening book for GNU Chess (default) |
gnuchess-book-medium | | Chess opening book for GNU Chess (medium) |
gnuchess4 | | The classic GNU chess |
gnugo | | Go playing program |
gogui | | GUI for Go-playing programs |
golddig | | Fast action game designed for use with X |
greed | | Strategy game: eat as much as possible |
grhino | | Othello (Reversi) engine |
gtetrinet | | Multiplayer tetris game for GNOME2 |
gtkballs | | GTK+ clone of Color Lines |
gtklevel9 | | GTK+ port of the Level 9 text adventure interpreter |
gtkmagnetic | | Interpreter for text adventures from Magnetic Scrolls |
gturing | | GNOME2 turing machine emulator |
heretic2-demo | | Heretic2 - first person Quake 3D engine based (linux demo) |
hex-a-hop | | Hexagonal tile-based puzzle game |
hugo | | Interactive fiction design system and interpreter |
icbm3d | | 3D X11 game of defense |
icebreaker | | Penguin capturing simulation |
imaze | | Multiplayer, networked, action,x 3D maze game |
InterLOGIC | | Logic/puzzle game based on the old Amiga game Balls |
ioquake3 | | Open source Quake 3 distribution |
ioquake3-pk3 | | pk3 files for ioquake3 |
ivan | | Graphical roguelike featuring deep gameplay |
jetpack | | Arcade action game for X Windows |
jools | | Bejeweled clone |
kajaani-kombat | | Rampart-like multiplayer game set in space |
kanatest | | Flash-card program to memorise Japanese kana |
kapooka | | Puzzle game |
kdegames3 | | Games for the KDE integrated X11 desktop |
kdegames4 | | Games for the KDE integrated X11 desktop |
kdetoys3 | | Toys for the KDE integrated X11 desktop |
kdetoys4 | | Toys for the KDE integrated X11 desktop |
ketm | | Old-school 2d-scrolling shooter |
knightcap | | Chess engine with 3D OpenGL-rendered chessboard |
knightcap-brain | | Book of losing moves for KnightCap |
knights | | Chess interface for KDE |
KoboDeluxe | | Multi-way scrolling shoot 'em up game for X |
koth | | The classic shoot the other tank artillery game, networked |
kye | | Puzzle game |
lbreakout | | Breakout-style arcade game |
lbreakout2 | | Breakout-style arcade game |
level9 | | Curses port of the Level 9 text adventure interpreter |
lgeneral | | Panzer General play-a-like, uses Panzer General data files |
lgeneral-data | | Panzer General data files for lgeneral |
libggz | | GGZ Gaming Zone libraries |
lincity | | Free clone of SimCity for X11 |
liquidwar | | Unique multiplayer wargame |
lmarbles | | Atomix-like puzzle |
lnl | | L&L - Labyrinths & Legends - Fantasy RPG |
LostPixels | | Blinken Sisters - Hunt for the Lost Pixels (80s-style Jump'n'Run) |
lpairs | | Memory game matching pairs of cards |
ltris | | SDL tetris clone |
maelstrom-sdl | | High resolution version of Asteroids (SDL version) |
maelstrom-x11 | | High resolution graphics version of Asteroids (X11 version) |
majesty-demo | | Fantasy kingdom simulation (demo) |
marathon-trilogy | | Bungie game data files, playable with the Aleph One engine |
minami | | Text adventure |
mirrormagic | | Nice little puzzle game with color graphics and sound |
mirrormagic-sdl | | Nice little puzzle game with color graphics and sound |
monsterz | | Puzzle game similar to the famous Bejeweled or Zookeeper |
moon-buggy | | Game on the Moon |
moria | | Rogue-like game with a different sense of scale than Rogue |
nagi | | Clone of Sierra's AGI |
nethack | | Meta-package for NetHack with x11, qt and tty versions |
nethack-lib | | Data files for Nethack |
nethack-qt | | The QT-Enhanced X11 version of NetHack |
nethack-tty | | The tty/console based version of NetHack |
nethack-x11 | | The X11 version of NetHack |
netmaj | | Mahjongg game with network and 1-4 player(s) support |
netmaze | | X windows-based multiplayer combat game (like Midi Maze) |
netris | | Everybody's darling T*tris in a networked version |
neverball | | Puzzle/action game similar to Super Monkey Ball |
newvox | | Voxel-style landscape rendering fly-by |
nighthawk | | C64 Paradroid clone |
ninvaders | | Space invaders, curses style |
omega | | Complex rogue-like game of exploration with a sense of humor |
onscripter | | Interpreter to execute a script for NScripter |
openmortal | | Parody of Mortal Kombat with real characters |
openttd | | Open source clone of Transport Tycoon Deluxe |
openttd-data | | Free data files for OpenTTD |
orbital_eunuchs_sniper | | Overhead shooting game |
pag | | Platform Arcade Game |
pingus | | Lemmings(TM) Clone |
pioneers | | GNOME version of the Settlers of Catan board game |
plib | | Libraries for writing portable games/realtime interactive apps |
pokerth | | Texas Holdem poker with online play |
polyglot | | UCI to WB adapter (for chess engines) |
powder | | Multiplatform roguelike game with graphics |
powermanga | | Arcade 2D shoot-em-up game |
powwow | | Client to play MUDs |
prboom | | Multiplayer-capable and modified version of DOOM |
puzzles | | Collection of small one-player puzzle games by Simon Tatham |
pysolfc | | Over 1000 solitaire games |